Latest News

ICASA welcomes the deadline for the analogue switch-off


The Independent Communications Authority of South Africa welcomes the announcement by the Minister of Communications and Digital Technologies on adopting a two-phased approach to finally completing the switch-off of analogue television services. It is an approach that will ensure that the viewing public continues to have access to television programming while also ensuring increased access to mobile broadband services.

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ICASA is soliciting a consultant to assist with the licensing process for IMT Spectrum


The Independent Communications Authority of South Africa intends to publish a request for proposals to appoint a consultant to assist with the licensing process for International Mobile Telecommunications (IMT) Radio Frequency Spectrum including conducting an auction in multiple IMT identified bands.

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ICASA establishes a Council Committee to ascertain the impact of Load-Shedding on the Communications Industry


ICASA has established a Council Committee to determine the impact of the current state of load-shedding on the electronic communications, broadcasting, and postal services sectors.

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ICASA releases more spectrum for Wi-Fi services in the lower 6GHz band


ICASA has published an Amendment to Annexure B of Radio Frequency Spectrum Regulations, 2015 in respect of Radio Frequency Spectrum Licence Exemptions, effectively opening up the lower 6 GHz spectrum band for the provision of Wi-Fi services.

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ICASA concludes phase 1 evaluations for the applications to pre-register for the provision of community sound broadcasting services


ICASA has concluded its Phase 1 evaluations of the applications to pre-register for Community Sound Broadcasting Service and Radio Frequency Spectrum licences.

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ICASA publishes three Final Radio Frequency Spectrum Assignment Plans for high-demand spectrum


ICASA has published three Final Radio Frequency Spectrum Assignment Plans (RFSAPs) for International Mobile Telecommunications (IMT) Systems.

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