Our operations during Level 4 of the Lockdown

Pretoria – On Thursday, 23 April 2020 President Cyril Ramaphosa addressed the nation and announced the easing of the national lockdown with effect from 01 May 2020. The President announced that South Africa will enter Level-4 of the lockdown where some activity will be allowed to resume subject to extreme precautions required to limit community transmissions and outbreak.

It is at the back of the announcement that the Council of the Independent Communications Authority of South Africa (ICASA) has resolved that ICASA staff will continue to work remotely, and the following decisions have been taken in this regard:

1. Precautionary measures
• All public hearings will continue to be suspended and ICASA will monitor and assess the situation.
• All equipment that accompany applications for type-approval will not be accepted from individuals. Applicants are therefore requested to courier such equipment to ICASA.

2. Entry to ICASA premises
• Walk-ins are still prohibited, i.e. all visits (both local and international) to the ICASA premises have been suspended until further notice. However, stakeholders are free to engage ICASA via email, telephone and other means such as teleconferencing.

Employees in critical positions such as those investigating radio frequency interference cases and those who conduct regular inspections will continue to be available for execution of duties as required (particularly emergencies).

All stakeholders applying for type-approval certifications are encouraged to make use of our online service to submit such applications. All consumer-related queries must be sent to consumer@icasa.org.za, while all other enquiries must be sent to info@icasa.org.za.


For all media enquiries, please contact:
Paseka Maleka
Tel : 012 568 3455
Cell : 079 509 0702
Email : pmaleka@icasa.org.za

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